Monday, March 30, 2009

Monday, March 30,2009 Good News Now Stories

How do you know if your child is ready for kindergarten?

"Is he ready? Will she succeed? Should I hold him back? Should I send her this fall?

When it comes to kindergarten, there are a number of questions and concerns parents might have.

According to the Ohio Department of Education, kindergarten students must be 5 years old either by Aug. 1 or Sept. 30, depending on their school district, to attend kindergarten. The compulsory school age in Ohio is 6. But kindergarten readiness is not simply a matter of chronological age."

Click here to read more.

Eat Your Weeds (but Get to Know Them First)

"EVERY gardener longs for the first intimation of spring. For some, the signal is the fleet of robins in the yard, the seed packets jamming the mailbox or the postcards and fliers sent by various flower shows. Not for me. I’m very particular about what constitutes proof that I’ve survived the winter and will soon be grubbing in the dirt and eating from the garden again.

For me, it’s the weeds. They’re the first things to appear when the ground is still heaved up and crunchy with frost. These tiny seedlings, self-sown from last summer’s plants, miraculously beginning a new generation, pull me through every year."

Click here to read more.

The First Place That I Can Well Remember...

"On March 30, 1820, Anna Sewell was born in Norfolk, England. A fall at the age of 14 made her very lame and for the rest of her life she could not stand or walk for any length of time. Anna Sewell was what is called an autodidact, meaning that she was responsible for the most part for her own education, although her mother was an author of children’s books and Anne helped her with editing."

Click here to read more.

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