Ditch Your Unrealistic New Year's Resolution
How's your 2009 New Year's resolution going? Did you break it yet? We're only a few weeks into the year and most resolutions have already been forgotten. Why? Because we make promises we cannot keep, set goals that have no structure and effectively remove all likelihood of sticking with our resolutions.
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Fire station burns after cooking mishapA blaze broke out at a fire station in Japan this week after a firefighter left a cooking stove burning as crew members left the station to respond to emergency calls.
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A Boy And His HedgehogOf many battles that mothers face daily, few are fraught with more passion and determination than the battle that always begins with: "Mom, can we get a …"
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Economy shrank at fastest clip since '82The economy shrank at a 3.8 percent pace at the end of 2008, the worst showing in a quarter-century, as the deepening recession forced consumers and businesses to throttle back spending.
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