The first story is about a cat at a nursing home that has the sense of knowing when a patient is going to die and the sense of duty to comfort the person with its presence. The staff began to notice this activity and have documented it 25 times. The cat will come into a patience's room and stay and within 4 hours the patient passes away. The staff puts a positive spins on it for the cat allows them to accurately notify the family of the upcoming event.
Cat with a knack
Story number 2 is fashion news about trendy new grocery bags made from cloth that are reusable and thus if we indulge this fashion madness will save the planet from those plastic bags we hate and are not very biodegradable. What were they thinking when all the grocery stores switched to them. Dare I say it, I liked paper sacks. I always reused them in all sorts of ways, not just as bags. I have, I am not making this up, used paper bags to cut patterns to make cloth bags like the above mentioned bags that I should make again and sell now that they are wildly fashionable.
Saving the planet (One trendy bag at a time)
This story is a positive spin on the new research that says if you hang around overweight people you gain weight. It talks about women who have lost weight and the effect on those around them. This phenomenon works the same way for weight loss. I held out on posting that story until I found this positive spin because that is what Good News Now is all about.
From bad example to good
And Last but not least: The Shot of the Day is By Flickr Member audreyjm52

She takes awesome pictures of flowers.