Friday, March 13, 2009
Shot of the Day for March 13, 2009

Good News From Mary March 13, 2009
You’ve probably heard the phrase “having a baby changes everything.” Until six months ago, I had no idea exactly how much! The saying is so very true, but what they leave out is the fact that it changes everything for the better.
Sure, there are dirty diapers and spit up stains to deal with. Yes, there is extra laundry, less money, and a whole lot less sleep! Yet despite those things, I’ve never experienced anything quite like being a mother to Audrey, and I can’t see what on this earth could possibly be a better or more rewarding experience.
Click here to read the rest of this story.
Cash-hungry U.S. states turn to Web to auction goods
U.S. municipalities, strapped for cash as the recession decimates revenues, are stepping up sales of everything from old police cars, helicopters and bicycles to confiscated jewelry and slot machines in an effort to reduce swollen deficits.
And municipalities that previously relied on old-fashioned auctions conducted in local parking lots are getting more sophisticated, turning to the online world as they seek to maximize their sales.
Click here to read the rest of this story.
The 'routine' fear for cancer patients
Judi Rothman found out a year ago that she had colon cancer that had spread to her liver.
Every day since then, she has lived with worry.
She can push it beneath the surface of her life most of the time. But the minute her doctor tells her it's time for another CAT scan, the fear springs like a cobra, suddenly too big and menacing to ignore.
Click here to read the rest of this story.
At Tax Time, Seek Help From the Right Places
Every year I encourage taxpayers to avoid financial products with fees that cut into the amount of their tax refunds.
For example, I loathe refund anticipation loans, or RALs, which are short-term cash advances backed by a tax refund. In this economy, keeping every penny of your tax refund is even more important because so many are struggling with less income or no income. Don't nickel-and-dime away your money because you can't wait for your refund.
Click here to read the rest of this story.
Web founder looks to big changes
Marking the 20th anniversary of his proposal to create the web, Sir Tim Berners-Lee said "new changes are going to rock the world even more".
The future of the web lies in mobile phones, he said at the Swiss research centre where he was working when he proposed the Web.
Click here to read the rest of this story.
Friday, March 13, 2009 Good News Stories
"A national grass-roots network that came together after the Sept. 11 attack to pray for the president has lost more than 25,000 members since Barack Obama's election in November.
But more than 41,000 have signed up."
Click here to read more about this prayer group.
Lenten sacrifices strengthen spirit
"Others may think of warmth, light and purification as represented by the Holy Spirit. When we offer ourselves up for correction and growth in Christ, we are first inspired, then we are challenged."
Click here to read more.
Bleeding Heart Plants (Dicentra)
"It’s easy to see where the old-fashioned Bleeding Heart (Dicentra spectabilis) got its name. The pillow-like flower is heart shaped with a single dangling pendulous drop. Bleeding Hearts are shade loving woodland plants that bloom in the cool of spring. Although they stay in bloom for several weeks, the plants may disappear for the rest of the summer, if planted in too much sun or heat."
Click here to read more about this plant.
New Method For Monitoring Volcanoes
"Seventeen of the world’s most active volcanoes have been supplied with monitoring equipment from Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden to measure their emission of sulphur dioxide. The measurement results will be used to make it easier to predict volcano eruptions, and they can also be used to improve today’s climate models."
Click here to read more.