Thursday, April 30, 2009

Laptops help sick kids stay connected to school

Ahmed Hamdi wants to be a superhero when he grows up. A lot of people at his school will tell you he already is one.

A third-grader at Samuel W. Tucker Elementary School in Alexandria, Virginia, Ahmed hasn't seen much of his class in the past few months. That's because he was diagnosed with leukemia 1½ years ago. Although he's in remission, he's still susceptible to complications.

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Thursday, April 30, 2009 Good News Story

Don't Toss Tops; Leave the Leaves

"It's called 'nose-to-tail' eating, to borrow the subtitle of British chef Fergus Henderson's wonderful book, "The Whole Beast," and it was the way everyone ate in the days when you raised a yearly hog and used 'everything but the squeal.' In recent years I've enjoyed buying a whole lamb, pig or side of beef from a neighboring farmer, learning ways to cook trotters and finding I prefer flavorful short ribs to steak."

Click here to read more.