The owner of Good News Now decided this month to change the focus of the website. James decided he would like to spotlight more faith news meaning in our case a faith that declares trust in Christ for our salvation. In the past we have been a news organization that looks for the positive side of the news. That has not changed, but all of us who work on gathering the stories agree that we will make an effort each day to find THE GOOD NEWS stories. We have said we are not a “Christian” site, but a site owned and run by believers. As of this month that has changed. It has always been our desire to have churches connect with our site and use us to get their good news out. We know people of faith are motivated to do things to make a positive change in this world. We want to connect with that, we want to report that.
So tell us your good news. Let your light shine in a dark world.
Just a few stories:
Hardline Iranian Gov't Unable to Quash Church GrowthSchool to Offer Class on Bible's Literary, Historical Ties
Christian Film Offers Healing to Victims of DivorceAlso, this month I decided to have a theme for Shot of the Day. I have looked for and chosen photographs that are famous or recognizable places captured in an unusual way.
Some of the best.

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