Thursday, June 24, 2010

Gov. Bobby Jindal sets oil spill 'Day of Prayer for Perseverance' for Sunday

"Gov. Bobby Jindal today called on all Louisiana citizens to unite in a day of prayer for perseverance for the state Sunday as the battle ranges on to control the Deepwater Horizon-BP oil spill disaster."

For more on the governor's proclamation, click here.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Game Plan for Life: Chuck Colson Talks to Joe Gibbs

"Football coaching legend and stock car owner Joe Gibbs interviews Chuck Colson about how to 'get on God's team.'"

CLik here to view the video of the interview.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Superfoods you should be eating

"Many of us tend to eat what we know and what we can pronounce and prepare. To help steer your cart in a new direction, try incorporating these healthful foods that you probably aren't eating—but should be—into your diet."

Click here for more on these healthy choices.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

They’re making a mark

"Mark Marderosian and Robert Palmer Jr. were tickled when the operators of Newton’s public access cable channel agreed to air 'Drawing With Mark,' a simple, old-fashioned TV show they created that teaches kids how to draw."

Click here for the story of a local show that hit the big time.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Crime and Character: Overwhelming Evidence

"Two weeks ago, I told you that crime rates are falling—despite the fact we’ve been enduring tough economic times for three years.

Obviously, this flies in the face of the liberal belief that the cause of crime is poverty. And one liberal columnist, Richard Cohen of the Washington Post, dared to look at the facts and ask the question, 'Did Liberals Get It Wrong on Crime?'”

For more on Chuck Colson's commentary, click here.

World Vision fashion show celebrates formerly homeless women

"On June 19th, Beverly Hills will lay-out the red carpet in honor of formerly homeless women who have worked to build a better future for themselves and their families. The twelfth annual 'Where Success Begins' fashion show and luncheon will celebrate the women’s success with a celebrity-style event created by high-profile event planner, Michele Fox."

Click here for more on this exciting event.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Hurricane season 2010: World Vision warns oil spill, weak economy threaten 'perfect storm' for Gulf Coast’s lower-income families

"Agency has stocked disaster response items at 10 sites across U.S.; Dallas warehouse on alert for any Gulf Coast response. World Vision calling for corporate donations of quality, new products in advance of first storms."

Click here for more on how World Vision is preparing for the upcoming hurricane season.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Luxury train car will be site of events to benefit St. Bernard Project

"The PatrĂ³n Tequila Epicurean Express is a restored 1927 luxury rail car that will be pulling into the New Orleans Train Station this week to help raise money for the St. Bernard Project.

Last week, in two events held in Washington DC's Union Station, the train and chefs helped raise nearly $20,000 for the group, which will help the group's response to the oil gushing from the BP well in the Gulf of Mexico."

For more on this tasty approach to helping others, click here.

Synthetic Life: The Danger of God-Like Pretensions

"In May, headlines around the world proclaimed 'Scientists Create Life!' The news prompted people to fantasize about a world in which, as one writer put it, we can 'think about what sort of life-form we’d like to make —and then design and build it in much the same way we build a bridge or a car.'”

Click here for more of Chuck Colson's commentary.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Once a Marine, Always a Marine and a Proud American

"Herman Cain lead a Q&A session at the Douglas County Tea Party when a young woman asked him about the attack by the Left on our Judeo-Christian heritage in America...He addressed her question, then went to the last question of the night, and the crowd was not expecting what happened next... "

Click here to watch this heartwarming video.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Lemonade stand proceeds help wildlife threatened by Gulf of Mexico oil spill

"Two children from New Orleans and the aunt they're visiting in Alexandria have raised more than $2,000 to help save wildlife endangered by the Gulf of Mexico oil spill."

To read more about these enterprising and big-hearted children, click here.

Friday, June 11, 2010

AzerCredit Receives Gold Social Performance Reporting Award from MIX

"Each year, Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) from around the world are ranked and reviewed by a variety of organisations. Included amongst these organisations is the Microfinance Information Exchange (MIX). MIX is a leading business information provider dedicated to strengthening the microfinance sector and providing financial and social performance information from leading players in microfinance."

Click here for more on how World Vision's AzerCredit microfinance program rated with MIX.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Aid group’s global leaders move to London, UK

"Child-focused development and relief organization World Vision International officially opened its executive office for global operations in Stockley Park, Uxbridge, south-west London, today.

In a short dedication ceremony, President and Chief Executive Officer Kevin Jenkins said the event was significant, both practically and symbolically, as World Vision celebrates its 60th year."

Click here for more on this strategic move.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Perfect Sportsmanship: The Beauty of Forgiveness

"The sports world received a beautiful lesson recently, a lesson made possible only because of Christianity.

Despite all the positive things we associate with the word “sportsmanship,” sports often brings out the worst in people: Little League parents behaving badly, drunken crowds, just for example.

But it doesn’t have to be this way."

For more on Chuck Colson's perspective, click here.

UN-led action plan for maternal, child health ‘positive,’ says World Vision, but crucial gaps remain

"A new United Nations initiative designed to improve global maternal, newborn and child health is a welcome development but neglects to address some important action points, according to World Vision, the world’s largest international humanitarian organization focusing on the well-being of children."

Click here for more on World Vision's response.

Monday, June 7, 2010

'One Nation Under God' by Jon McNaughton

"As we approach the patriotic summer days of Flag Day and Independence Day, we should reflect on what the United State means to each of us. Join artist Jon McNaughton as he talks about his painting 'One Nation Under God.' Then ask yourself where you would be in the picture."

Click here to watch this inspirational video.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Famed swallows of Capistrano nest in country club

"The cliff swallows of the Mission San Juan Capistrano have made a new home at a ritzy new country club.

The migratory birds that annually return to the historic South Orange County church flew right past it this spring, choosing to make their nests at the new Vellano Country Club in Chino Hills, about 50 miles away."

To find out why the birds have relocated, click here.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Churches are paying closer attention to connection between humans and animals

"In Genesis, the Lord created animals, said they were good and then gave man permission to eat them.

While not a universal belief, many Christians traditionally have embraced a biblical stance on animals as a source of companionship, food and labor, but not much else."

Click here to read more about the way churches are handling issues of animals.

Friday, June 4, 2010

The man behind the masks: Eric Bornstein makes magic with paint, papier-mĂ¢chĂ©, and endless imagination

"Eric Bornstein’s art studio is a wild, cluttered, paint-strewn den overrun by hobgoblins, Egyptian deities, forest nymphs, and Father Time himself. As big as oxen heads, his papier-mĂ¢chĂ© masks of gods and monsters dangle from hooks and jut from walls like phantasmal hunting trophies — dazzling, colorful, and insane to behold."

For on Bornstein's magic touch, click here.

Health how-to: Swallowing pills

"Many people struggle with gagging when they try to take medicine. Here are tips from pharmacists on getting pills down easier..."

Click here for the secrets of getting those pesky pills down with fewer problems.

True Value takes own shot at appealing to women

"The new True Value hardware store in Mount Prospect, tucked into a strip mall surrounded by 1960s split-level homes, is one of a kind, literally.

The outpost is the Chicago-based hardware cooperative's first corporate-owned store, a chance for company executives to understand what its thousands of independent store owners experience every day."

To read more on this business story, click here.

Save the Children Provides Relief to Families Affected by Tropical Storm Agatha in Guatemala

"Save the Children is beginning distributions of food, hygiene supplies and other items to families affected by Tropical Storm Agatha and the near-simultaneous eruption of the Pacaya volcano in Guatemala."

Click here for more on Save the Children's efforts.