Monday, February 23, 2009

Monday, February 23, 2009 Good News Stories (Margaret)

Jamaica trip gives me lesson in humility

"I went to Jamaica expecting to give and wound up getting a lot more in return.

Fourteen women from four states took part in an eight-day mission through the Evansville, Ind.,-based International Orphanage Relief. The first night, as a means of introduction, we were asked to list our strengths and weaknesses."

Click here to read this story.

Universal Flu Drug Stops All Flu Types

"A new kind of drug cocktail kills all types of flu bugs and could protect against pandemic or seasonal flu."

Click here to read more about this study.

Lenten meals give families chance to teach important lessons

"It's not always easy to bring family members together for a tasty, nutritious and affordable meal. When Lent comes around, the need for meatless Fridays and the hope of teaching children about why Catholics fast and abstain from meat can make meal planning seem nearly impossible.

But two Catholic mothers in different parts of the country have a few solutions to offer."

Click here to read more of this story.

Urban Composting: A New Can of Worms

"ON a recent Saturday afternoon, Stephanie Stern and her husband poured 1,000 wriggling red worms from a brown bag into a plastic bin outside their bathroom, looked down and hoped for the best. "

Click here to read more.

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