Monday, March 9, 2009

Good News for March 9 (posted by Mary Beth)

Getting Gaia's Goat: Advice for the Eco-Conscious

"As I have said on BreakPoint before, for many people environmentalism occupies the same place traditionally occupied by more conventional religious belief. Actually, if you consider the lengths to which people will go not to offend against Mother Earth, or 'Gaia,' as she is known to her devotees, you have to smile when they call Christians 'fanatics.'”

Read more of Chuck Colson's commentary by clicking here.

Found: The source of ... belly-button lint

"A chemist in Vienna has taken the term 'navel gazing' to its logical extreme and guaranteed himself a curious epitaph: Unraveler of the mysteries of belly-button lint."

To get to the bottom of the mystery, click here.

Chicagoan named nation's best barista

"After a hot round of competition yesterday Chicago's Mike Phillips of Intelligentsia Coffee & Tea took first prize in the United States Barista Competition held in Portland, OR and put on by the Specialty Coffee Association of America."

Click here for more on the winner.

The Godparent - a devotion

"I have a godmother, my dear Nanan. She prays for me, loves me and reminds me often of how precious I am to her and to God. Nanan takes her responsibility as a godparent seriously."

Read the rest of this devotion here.

Australian wrestles kangaroo from family home

"When a dark intruder smashed through his bedroom window and repeatedly bounced on his bed, Beat Ettlin at first was relieved to discover it was a kangaroo."

Click here for more on this man vs. roo conflict.

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