The 3rd Annual Tournament of Sand Sculpture Champions, Competition May 07-11, 2008

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Sand sculpting seems to be a west coast sport. Most of the competitions take place on the ocean. The Harrison Hot Springs competitions are unique in that they take place on a lake. This allows for the sculptors to take their time and build over a period of days because the art will not be overcome by the tides. This factor and the silt content of the sand contribute to the awe factor of the maasive works of art.
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Good News Now has many friends on Flickr who allow us to post their photography each day. I have visited Flickr everyday over the last two years and have discovered a lot of extremely interesting people on Flickr, not just photographers but artists too. I ran across an artist a few weeks ago and I asked her if I could share her art on this blog. Her screen name is iriskovalio. She is a superb watercolorist. Read about her on her Flickr profile page.

Iriskovalio is an artist from Herzelia Israel.
Today is the 60th anniversary of the formation of Israel so I thought it would be a nice way to celebrate Israel by celebrating iriskovalio’s art.
Here a few of Iriskovalio's other works.