For the last six weeks or more Good News Now has experienced some “white out” times. What is happening is the site is not loading. We have tried to be diligent and contact the web provider as we notice this is happening. When it first started happening I allowed some time to pass because it seemed clear up on it’s own. However, as time went on this was no longer true. We are in contact with our provider and they are now quick to respond. The site is scheduled to be move to another server in the near future with promises of better performance.
Thank you for your patience.
So how are your New Year’s resolutions going? I haven’t made any so mine are fine. However, I did give up chocolate for Lent. Does white chocolate count? Well, then I am not doing too well. We have posted over the last few weeks numerous articles to help you keep your fitness resolutions. Here are a few.
And my suggestion, nix the white chocolate.
And my favorite article deals quite effectively with relationship improvement.
Photos we have loved so far this year.
Lunar Eclipse

It Is 4ยบ This Morning

Black boots in the circle
By Flickr Member tanakawho
As always “Tell us your good news.” We do post it.